#Stata histograms how to
If you are creating a histogram for a categorical variable such as rep78, you can add the option discrete. This unit demonstrates how to produce many of the frequency distributions and plots from the previous unit. Let’s use the auto data file for making some graphs. This module will introduce some basic graphs in Stata 12, including histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, and scatterplot matrices.
#Stata histograms code
With cleanplots, many of the defaults you would change before via code are already changed for you. INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHS IN STATA STATA LEARNING MODULES. The histogram command can be used to make a simple histogram of mpg. This allows you to make publication quality Stata graphics with very little effort. This module will introduce some basic graphs in Stata 12, including histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, and scatterplot matrices. Using base graphics, a density plot of the geyser duration. Most density plots use a kernel density estimate, but there are other possible strategies qualitatively the particular strategy rarely matters.

The smoothness is controlled by a bandwidth parameter that is analogous to the histogram binwidth. Cleanplots implements a host of features that draw on best data visualization practices (some of which are borrowed from the excellent black and white graphics scheme plainplots from Bischof (2017) ). Stata offers a command called scheme that defines the overall appearance of your graph. Density plots can be thought of as plots of smoothed histograms.