6502 emulator c source code
6502 emulator c source code

6502 emulator c source code
  1. #6502 emulator c source code software
  2. #6502 emulator c source code windows

#6502 emulator c source code windows

The Java ME Emulator can be started from the Windows or Linux command line. zero | flag }} I build up my list of OpCodes with a list of strings, such as ORA abs. The CPU has three registers (A, B, and C), PC, SP, and some internal registers, such as MBR (Memory Buffer Register), IR (Instruction Register), and HIGH-BYTE register (keeps the upper 16-bit word of the 32-bit multiplication result, or a remainder when doing division). It's an 8k game written in Java (Joe was the one who added 6502 and Atari 2600 support to Java Grinder) with no copyright issues, so I figured this was the ideal game to show off. Java version of the demo for OpenComputers emulator Ocelot Brain.

#6502 emulator c source code software

JPC's Java-based architecture gives it cross-platform capability, the security of running code in the Java sandbox and the flexibility of configuring virtualization platforms and software libraries. There are some Atari 2600 features missing from the emulator so I think not many Answer (1 of 3): Honestly, there is another possibility that I've been experimenting with for the past couple of days. Virtual 6502 is JavaScript-based assembler, disassembler, and emulator that runs in your browser. Once you have a Java compiler and a Java interpreter you can run any Java program no matter what type of computer you have. At this point, it is useful to write a little built-in debugger which allows to stop emulation and see what the program is doing.

6502 emulator c source code